First got to know of this piece of news when the article in The New Paper on Tuesday caught my attention... An article saying that a few of our Former National Football Stars like Fandi Ahmah & Abbas Saad are coming together for a game against our local celebs as a charity drive to raise funds for a 4 year old cancer patient, Charmaine Lim. My reaction then was that it was a really nice act for these former nationals to come together to raise funds for the girl. But it really got to me when I chanced upon this blog site & webpage created for this 4 year old girl, and somehow felt that I've got to just write something about this.. stirred up too much emotions in me. When I read through the words written by Charmaine's mummy.. my heart goes all out to them. Very saddened by all the misery that such a cheerful 4 year old girl has to go through, and is truly touched by the mum's strength to help her daughter. Am also full of admiration for the fighting spirit of Little Charmaine & Mummy Cynthia, and greatly moved by the efforts that their family & friends are making to help them through this ordeal. I am very sure any mummy who've seen their blog will feel the same pain that the mum is feeling for her daughter... and am very sure there are many kind souls out there who are very willing to do what they can to lend a helping hand. Not that my post will create a miracle, but sincerely hope that any help or words of encouragement from any of you reading this will add on to Mummy Cynthia & Little Charmaine's strength to carry on to fight their battle. Praying hard for the little girl & her family to pull through this & win the battle... Jia You!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Healthy once more!
Finally... Den Den has recovered! After his doses of antibiotics, he's finally much better... not much of runny nose & cough anymore. As for me, fever's gone too!! Yay!! Though still have a bit of cough.. but feeling much much better! Time to catch up on the updates.. though there wasn't much action during the 2 weeks we were down, as we're most of the time resting at home, with only visits to the doc, for both Ayden & me. Here's some pics of Ayden a couple of weeks ago, some of which were taken @ home, some in the car & some at NTUC DownTown East! Will also upload some videos of Den in action too! :)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sickly Sick!
It's been a horrible week! The flu virus has attacked!! I have been down with Fever, Flu & Cough since last week... Though my flu & cough has gotten better.. Don't know why my fever is still persistent...somemore hovering around 38 degrees. But generally I feel much better after seeing the doc 3 times & taking antibitotics... at least now the body aches and sore throat is gone.. just did a blood test today to find out the reason for the persistent fever...hopefully everything is fine...
My poor Den Den is also sick! He's also down with flu & cough.. had a slight fever at 1st, but recovered from that(thankfully). But his flu and cough was terrible! His runny nose is like a tap..the mucus just keeps the nasal sounds he produes when he poor thing! He'll also start coughing in the middle of the night when he sleeps... and he'll wake up crying. Sometimes it's so bad he'll cough till he puke... really heartpain to see him like that :( His cough & blocked nose is making him really uncomfy and thus not able to sleep well. It's really heart wrenching to see him like that, especially when his sleep is disrupted and he starts crying... *stab*
But, thankfully his flu and cough are both recovering too... since we took him off air-con last night (as he was continuously coughing for sometime), there has been a significant improvement in his condition. So I'm really glad to see him slowly going back to his smiley, playful self! Hopefully he'll recover completely within the next 2 days...
Of cos, I also hope to fully recover that I can kiss him, hug him & smell him once more!!! plus I can stop wearing the stupid leychey mask!!!
*hasn't been in the mood to post up any time to upload the pics and videos too... will do so once we've recovered! Hopefully the updates will be up real soon!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Ayden @ 9 mths old
Ayden's turned 9 mths old! He can crawl real fast now (if he sees something he wants) & can easily pull himself to a standing position once he has support. He's also one little boy with a fiery temper at times... Anything he wants, nobody can stop him, else he'll show you his whining & shouting power! He also started this habit of throwing anything he lays his hands on...and I mean slamming the thing down onto the floor real hard. He will also bite anything he finds interesting to sink his teeth in (that includes my shoulder.. kena 2 times already). So, now the disciplinarian side of me is also emerging... (instinct of a teacher naturally) I tend to be the one scolding him & stopping him from indulging himself most of the time. It seems like this little fella sort of understands when I explain to him after deterring him from his actions.. & at times he actually stop doing them (i.e he doesn't dare bite me anymore, he modified it to licking my shoulder now..haaa) , of course, depending on his mood also. When he's cranky... what can I say.. he's really CRANKY! ;p
Our Day @ the Zoo!
Ayden's 1st trip to the Zoo! Though he can't really understand what's going on with the animals... I think he did enjoy looking at the animals moving around. Along the way, we kept prompting Den Den to look at the animals roaming about in their enclosure... I think he's more interested in observing the people around him. So he was pretty entertained by observing the other onlookers, & throughout the animal show, he was busy admiring this " Cheh Cheh" sitting in her pram parked beside him (well, he's a boy afterall). We enjoyed the tram ride quite a lot too... cos we get to sit & relax while it ride us through zome parts of the Zoo! The Kids World(or whatever the name was, I can't recall...Some Eco** kinda name) was also quite fun as we watched dozens of kids enjoying themselves in the water park ( Ayden will get his chance when he's older ). I even got myself a Ben & Jerry's Cone there!!! It was a pretty hot day, but overall...we had lots of fun! Another nice Sunday out for the family. :)
Family Sunday @ Butterfly Park (Sentosa)
It was sometime ago when Hubbs decided to make Sunday our family day... so every Sunday, we'll bring Ayden to Jalan & explore different places! We wanted to bring Den Den to Discovery Centre for the 1st Sunday...but in the end decided that he's too young to appreciate the exhibits there, so we changed our plan along the way & headed to Butterfly Park @ Sentosa instead (wanted to go during our last Sentosa retreat, but was raining). After the whole trail in the Park.. I can only say: A few of these fluttering butterflies plus some noisy parrots plus some wierd tortoises, & worst of all....fake insects & bugs... for $16 each?!?!? Definitely not a very worthy experience! But Ayden did have his 1st experience of touching a gigantic Monitor lizard there... & luckily, Ayden didn't have to pay for his admission. ;p
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Our Sentosa Retreat
Our 1st trip to Sentosa with Ayden! It was a great getaway... Firstly, the prep process & Ayden's barangs were not as scary as those for the Taiwan trip.. Secondly, we didn't have to survive a plane ride this time round...all it took was a car ride that lasted less than an hour, during which Ayden was sleeping.. hee. Had a great weekend stayover at Sentosa Resort & Spa (The used to be Beaufort)...booked a deluxe suite and the room was superb!! It was really a luxurious weekend..relaxing in the room, visiting the tourists' spots in Sentosa, lazing around the island, strolling along the beaches, calling in-room dining (Due to Ayden's early bedtime) was simply Shiok! It was rather interesting visiting the Underwaterworld, Images of Singapore & Butterfly Park with Ayden. He didn't really understand what's going on, neither can he really appreciate all the stuff he was seeing... but he was a happy boy just being strolled around, having so many new things to explore and observing the crowd buzzing around him! He did also enjoy rolling on the enormous bed in the room, having so many cushions & pillows piling around him! Ayden also did his very 1st swim in the real pool at the hotel!!! & he really really enjoyed himself a lot! It was a great weekend retreat for Hubbs, me & Ayden.. It feels great to just spend some time together and relax the weekend away! It was so enjoyable that we decided to make this an annual event! Looking forward to our next stay here next year!!! :)
Ayden's a big boy!

Ayden has 4 teeth now! 2 at the bottom & 2 big ones on top! Because of this, his gums has been itching and he's been proned to biting anything that he lays his hands on! He also likes to grab people's finger and sink his teeth into them... Ouch! It's painful I tell you, cos he totally has no idea what he's chewing on, so he gives it his best when he sinks his teeth in! (Try cleaning his teeth and tongue now!!!) Now that Ayden's bigger, & easier to handle (In the sense of carrying, feeding, sleeping).. I'm trying to learn to bring him out myself... to meet up with friends and get some social life back! Been out a few times to meet up with my sisters for lunch & shopping with Ayden in town.. Thanks to my dearies who helped me jaga him while we were out! It felt great!!! Good to be out again after looking after him for so long (not that I hasn't been stepping out of the house for so long.. I used to bring Ayden out only with hubbs & family), Now, It feels good to bring him out meeting friends, shopping, visiting friends' places etc.. Though it's tiring...It's really a good start for me to learn to bring him out alone!
Updates Updates!!!

wahaaa... yes... It's been ages since I've touched this blog... haaa... it's been really busy busy with Ayden growing up so fast and so many things happening everyday!!! Been busy chasing after Ayden & disciplining him everyday... had also been busy preparing a nice gift and sent off Sis Nee who's flown to London to pursue her dream! Life's pretty much still the same for me... Just that Ayden's able to crawl very well now...and very fast too.. In a flash, he'll be under the table, behing the sofa, next to the fan.... how not to be busy!?!?! He's also able to hang on to the edge of things and pull himself up! So he's kept very busy everyday trying out all his new stunts... crawl here, climb there... all the time!!!
Ayden's also able to call both "PaPa" & "MaMa" now!!! Haaa... and he does it in a very cute way...he'll sometimes do it loudly...sometimes softly...sometimes continuously "PaPaPaPaPaPa" and sometimes with a "Ah" in front.. "Ah Pa Ah Pa Ah Pa" ... It's really sweet to hear him call us though! He's also got his own temper now... Whenever he doesn't get things his way..he'll resort to shouting, whining, screaming, crying, practically anything.. to get what he wants! So I'm trying very hard to start discipling him & setting the ground rules... I seriously think if we want should start now. Hee, but it's tough...especially when they glare at you with their teary eyes...den give you one innocently sad look that melts you right in the heart.
It's a really fun stage now for Ayden...he enjoys going out, meeting people, playing with his kor kors & cheh chehs, blabbering his language & entertaining himself with any new stuff he discovers! He's also a cheerful boy full of smiles everyday! So, it's really a joy looking after him now... just that with this active little darling.. I end my day with new "Orh Cheh" (blueblacks) & backaches every night... I need a thorough massage!!!
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