Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Updates Updates!!!

*Credits to Den Den's Godma Nee for taking these lovely photos.. Tks Nee!

wahaaa... yes... It's been ages since I've touched this blog... haaa... it's been really busy busy with Ayden growing up so fast and so many things happening everyday!!! Been busy chasing after Ayden & disciplining him everyday... had also been busy preparing a nice gift and sent off Sis Nee who's flown to London to pursue her dream! Life's pretty much still the same for me... Just that Ayden's able to crawl very well now...and very fast too.. In a flash, he'll be under the table, behing the sofa, next to the fan.... how not to be busy!?!?! He's also able to hang on to the edge of things and pull himself up! So he's kept very busy everyday trying out all his new stunts... crawl here, climb there... all the time!!!
Ayden's also able to call both "PaPa" & "MaMa" now!!! Haaa... and he does it in a very cute way...he'll sometimes do it loudly...sometimes softly...sometimes continuously "PaPaPaPaPaPa" and sometimes with a "Ah" in front.. "Ah Pa Ah Pa Ah Pa" ... It's really sweet to hear him call us though! He's also got his own temper now... Whenever he doesn't get things his way..he'll resort to shouting, whining, screaming, crying, practically anything.. to get what he wants! So I'm trying very hard to start discipling him & setting the ground rules... I seriously think if we want should start now. Hee, but it's tough...especially when they glare at you with their teary eyes...den give you one innocently sad look that melts you right in the heart.
It's a really fun stage now for Ayden...he enjoys going out, meeting people, playing with his kor kors & cheh chehs, blabbering his language & entertaining himself with any new stuff he discovers! He's also a cheerful boy full of smiles everyday! So, it's really a joy looking after him now... just that with this active little darling.. I end my day with new "Orh Cheh" (blueblacks) & backaches every night... I need a thorough massage!!!

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